Miracle Bible Camp started in 1969, is part of the non-profit organization Northern Gospel Fellowship. As a non-denominational ministry we welcome campers from all religious backgrounds. Our summer camps are at the heart of our existence offering fun-filled faith adventures for young people 7 – 18 years of age. We are funded by visionary individuals, committed churches and user fees. We are privileged to offer this facility as a tool to the local church ministries on a year around basis. Contact us for more information regarding your particular needs.

Statement of Faith
We believe in . . .
- The verbal inspiration of the original texts of the Bible, both Old and New Testaments.
- The personality of the God of Creation, Government, Redemption and Judgment.
- The substance of One God in Three Equal Persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
- The Essential Deity and the true humanity of the Lord Jesus Christ.
- The inherent depravity of humanity, through the disobedience of Adam, and sinfulness of all men by choice.
- Complete satisfaction made for sins of mankind by the Substitutionary Death of Jesus Christ on the cross.
- The necessity and possibility of repentance and faith in Christ as atoning Savior, these graces
wrought alone by the Holy Spirit with human consent. - The Bodily resurrection of Christ and all men.
- Justification from all sin through faith alone in Christ.
- The personality of the Holy Spirit.
- The eternal salvation of the saved.
- The unending conscious punishment of the unsaved.
- The personality of Satan, the Devil.
- The imminent pre-millennial return of Christ to judge the world and establish divine rule
Board Members
Founding Northern Gospel Mission
The Nothern Gospel Mission was formed to plant churches in northern Minnesota
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Miracle Bible Camp
Miracle Bible Camp is created at Side Lake