For summer camps, register for the grade your child will be in Fall
What to Bring
- Bible, pencil, notebook
- Clothing for a week (include something warm), jacket or sweater, modest swimsuit, towels, hat, sleepwear
- Closed toed shoes
- Medications must be sent in the original container with all doctors information clearly labeled
- Sleeping bag / bedding / pillow
- Toiletries, insect repellent, sun screen
- STORE and MISSIONS and CAMP FEE: Bring your store and missions offering with you to registration. Please let us know if you wish for any balance in the store to be applied to the missions’ offering when you register. Any balance in a camper store account at the end of the week that is less than $2.00 will be automatically put into the missions’ offering at the end of the week.
- Fun attitude and a smile!
- Optional: Camera, Flashlight, Fishing gear, water bottle, personal life jacket
Label personal items.
Leave At Home
All electronic devices including cell phones and iPods, any weapons, any drugs or alcohol, matches, fireworks, pop/snacks, immodest clothing, and any material inconsistent with Christian testimony.
Most of our camps have Monday morning registration. Jumpstart is our short week of camp in July.
We will be doing curb-side drop off again this year. You will be given a time to have your camper on-site, and we will “drive” you through the registration process.
Thank you for getting your camper here during our registration time, as we have an all-camper meeting to talk about our great week at camp.
Pick up is FRIDAY at 2 p.m., with a closing chapel program for parents and friends of campers picking them up.
At the end of the week, monies not spent are returned to the camper. (Note: Store monies $2 or less are automatically donated to our missions’ project.)
ALL medications, both prescription and over-the-counter will be turned in at registration and MUST be in their original container, showing the dosage for the camper the medication is for.
Financial Assistance
Financial assistance is available for campers upon email request. We are able to assist with any amount needed to ensure your camper is able to attend. Send request to with camper name, grade, and amount needed.
Most camps have Monday morning starts. We will be doing curb-side drop off again this year. You will be given a time to have your camper on-site, and we will “drive” you through the registration process.
Please have your camper here on time, as we have an all-camper meeting to talk about our great week ahead at camp.
Pick Up
All campers will be ready on Fridays at 2:00 p.m. for pick up. A closing chapel will be held beginning at 2 p.m. Photo identification is required to pick up campers.
Camp is a great time for kids to “unplug.” Please help your child have a better experience by not not sending cell phones, iPods, or other electronics. Not only are they a distraction from God’s great outdoors and the camp experience, but they’re also a safety issue. Campers are not allowed access to technology.
Camp Store
Our camp store is not only a place to buy an afternoon or evening snack, but also has things like flashlights, “stuff” bags, t-shirts, sweatshirts, etc. A typical “snack shack” purchase for snacks is $2.25 each time they go to the store. So, for most weeks, $25 is a good amount to consider for kids for snacks. Other items purchased would be above this amount. Unspent monies will be returned to the camper at the end of the week. NOTE exception below.
NOTE: We automatically put funds that are less than $2.00 into the summer missions project.
MISSIONS OFFERING: If you let us know at registration that you want ALL left-over money set aside for missions, we will make note of that.
Missions Project
Each summer we encourage campers to think outside of themselves and offer a missions’ project for them to contribute to. This is done either at registration or at pick-up, as monies are not left with the camper in the cabin.
Other Important Information
- Campers are not allowed to leave the grounds without permission of the camp management.
- Swimming is allowed only in the company of the lifeguard.
- We reserve the right to cancel the reservation or camping privilege of any who do not cooperate.
- Closed toed shoes are needed (tennis shoes or hiking boots) for many of the activities.
- Lost and found items must be claimed by October 1.
- We encourage parents to write letters (P O Box 450, Longville MN 56655) or to e-mail campers during camp; please telephone only in an emergency.
- All campers are expected to attend all of the services and take part in all scheduled activities.
MBC does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, color, national origin, age or handicap.
SPEAKERS for each week:
- Base Camp (Teen) – Jake Heppner, Southbrook Baptist, Wadena
- Adventure – TBD
- Elementary Camp 1 – Cory Rintala, Northwoods Bible, Ray
- Kids/Jumpstart – TBD
- Elementary Camp 2 – TBD
- Jr High – Dan Hubbard, Hubbard Ministries
To register by mail, please download this registration form, fill it out, and mail it along with a check for $50 (registration fee) or the full cost of the camp week (listed on the form) to:
Miracle Bible Camp
P.O. Box 450
Longville, MN 56655
Registration is first-come, first-served. Please register early!